Digital Marketing after the Pandemic
by Amanda Krueger

Digital is Rising
We have all experienced a great deal of change in 2020—there’s no question. One thing that may have snuck into our lives unnoticed, however, is a growing reliance on digitalization.
Even before the pandemic, the marketing world had been steadily growing more digital over the past handful of years. This makes perfect sense in our increasingly online world where everything from banking to shopping for consumer goods is now online. There’s also been a gradual shift in audience as older traditional-model shoppers have slowly been replaced with internet-savvy Millennials and Generation Zers.
Aside from this natural lean toward digitalization in our modern world, the pandemic has had its effect too. As more people have remained in their homes to prevent catching and spreading the virus, they have consumed more online content and the digital ads that accompany it. Many online users have been forced to change their habits and use online tools like Zoom, Skype, and others to keep in touch with family and friends. In attempts to keep everyone healthy, religious services have also gone virtual.
Breaking It Down
So, what does all this online use come down to? Fewer people are out and about shopping, which means there are fewer billboard views. And the steady growth of internet usage means we gather our news online too, resulting in fewer newspaper and print ad impressions. This is very good news for marketers as all this increased time online means more opportunity for them to reach audiences.
Why to Get on the Train
If you’re a business owner, don’t hesitate to get on the digital train. It’s a smart move. Audiences are increasingly online and will stay that way. Many people have gotten more comfortable online, downloaded apps, and grown accustomed to the convenience of food delivery services like Grubhub and EatStreet. What was once foreign has now become a part of everyday life. Many will continue to take advantage of these services well after the pandemic is over.
The term “after the pandemic” might be a bit misleading, however. It suggests that there will be a definite end to Coronavirus and that things will fully return to normal in one swoop. It’s more likely that we will remain in a state of flux for quite some time. That’s another reason digital is a great investment. Businesses can have multiple digital marketing messages ready to deploy, so they can remain flexible if events need to go virtual and messaging needs to adjust with our rapidly changing world.
Furthermore, digital marketing allows companies to track exact statistics. Did the user click on the ad? Did they purchase? It’s much easier to track than traditional ads. You can quickly learn what ads and products are popular and what’s profitable. Then, you can adjust your strategy and budget to what’s truly working for you.
Digital marketing is an ideal choice for most businesses today and will continue to be so for many years to come—pandemic or not. Feel confident and invest in your company’s future with digitalization.