by Jamie - Editor | Aug 11, 2021 | One More Thing
Anatomy of a Dad Joke by Tyler Sjostrom I still recall my first encounter with my own dad’s Dad Jokes. We were driving past a Dairy Queen in my hometown in the mid-90s and the marquee outside said, “Monkey Tails, a dozen for $6.” And seeing the advert for Monkey...
by Jamie - Editor | Jul 13, 2021 | One More Thing
The Thoughts I Think When I Take My Kids to the Zoo by Tyler Sjostrom As a parent to two young boys, I have default responses to a multitude of potentially sticky situations. Older son is pouting? “Alexa, play ‘Blinding Lights’ by The Weeknd.” Younger son is...
by Jamie - Editor | Jun 10, 2021 | One More Thing
The Summer Job Syllabus by Tyler Sjostrom Whenever I visit a tourist town (which because I’m nothing if not predictably basic, is often), I always take stock of the individuals who are scooping my Moose Tracks, bagging my saltwater taffy, or applying a henna tattoo to...
by Jamie - Editor | Mar 10, 2021 | One More Thing
What’s in a Name? by Tyler Sjostrom Among the early memories of my school-age life are a few that stand out for no particular reason – bread bags in my snow boots, the rusty, red playground slide that would probably be nicknamed “The Lawsuit” today, and thinking...
by Jamie - Editor | Dec 10, 2020 | One More Thing
It’s the Thought that Counts by Tyler Sjostrom “Papa…the cake…boom!” So goes the telling of an ill-fated birthday tiramisu according to my two-year-old son, resident raconteur, and foremost deliverer of sick burns in our household. While his bullet...